PHARA River Access

The River Park is a private entity, jointly owned and managed by PHARA and the Paradise Valley Owners Property Association. Membership in PHARA is voluntary and does not guarantee eligibility for River Park access, because access is granted only to owner/members whose property falls within the original 303.88 acre Carl N. Brinkley Tract. Eligibility for river access is specified in the river park’s Special Warranty Deed, dated 8/9/2000 as recorded in the Hays County official public records. Most member’s property deeds will specify if the owner has park access, however, if you have questions, please ask a board member to check your property against the master plat map for you. 

The river park is shared with Paradise Valley and access is via a locked gate by Songbird Rd. A River Park key is provided to eligible members when annual dues are paid. Parking is available for members, Park rules apply to all at all times.